Types of Tea Information | Guide to Types of Tea Manufacturing

by Imperial Tea Garden July 14, 2017

The world of tea is complex with over 3000 types of tea to choose from and prices ranging from tens of dollars to hundreds of dollars per pound, it can be quite daunting for the novice.  First lets start with the types of tea.  All tea comes from the same plant - Camellia Sinensis.  After the tea leaves are harvested.  The method of manufacturing and level of oxidation will determine which category the tea falls into.


  • White Tea - A special hand selected green tea that contains silvery downy white leaf tips.  The tea is steamed immediately after picking to prevent any oxidation of the tea leaves.  
  •  Green Tea - Is plucked, rolled or twisted and dried. The drying process halts the natural oxidation and enzymatic action that takes place in a freshly harvested tea leaf.  The process preserves the natural antioxidants and fresh vegetative flavor.
  •  Oolong Tea - Is plucked , wilted, partially oxidized and then fired.  The controlled oxidation process of the tea master ranges from 15 - 85%.  Oolong teas therefore have a wide range of discovery and combine the fresh vegetative flavors of green tea and range through the astringent, smooth, and or flowery aromas of black teas.
  •  Black Tea - Is plucked, withered and fully oxidized before drying.  The fully oxidized leaf a rich amber brew, characterized by tannic, woody astringency with subtle flowery nuances.  During the oxidation process, caffeine is made chemically available and is therefore much higher in black tea than green tea.

This comprises the major types of tea. From there, tea can be further broken down by growing region, tea grading of leaf quality and size, and blending components.  Soil, elevation and climate will have a dramatic affect on the final product.  Now its time to discover the world of tea through more subjective research.  Order samples through our online website: http://www.imperialteagarden.com

For more information on the learning about tea - Click the following links

Tea Terms

Tea Grading

Tea Glossary

Brewing Tea


Imperial Tea Garden
Imperial Tea Garden


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