Green Tea Side Effects

by Imperial Tea Garden December 05, 2017 2 Comments

Green Tea Side Effects

Green tea is known for its antioxidants and other associated health benefits.  There are some potential side effects that many tea drinkers might be unaware of.  The biggest of which are the effects of caffeine.  Green tea contains smaller amounts of caffeine compared to other types of tea, but people who are intolerant to caffeine can experience certain health conditions.  With the perceived lower levels of caffeine and numerous health benefits, many people consume green tea all day and right up until bedtime. Drinking green tea in large amounts is usually tolerated by most people but can have side effects as the caffeine levels slowly increase. If you are intolerant to caffeine try one of our healthy caffeine free herbal teas



A few of the side effects from excessive consumption of green tea

    Anxiety & Sleeplessness
    Green tea and excessive use of caffeine is linked to anxiety, shaking, nervousness, muscle tremors and contractions.  Excessive intake of caffeine should also be avoided in people with restless leg syndrome. RLS is an uncontrollable urge to move your legs and typically occurs during sleep.
      Iron Absorption
       According to one study, drinking green tea after an iron-rich meal can impact its absorption. The compounds present in green tea could affect the iron content, making this healthy beverage lose its anti-oxidant properties. Green tea contains EGCG which is known to prevent enzymes that may cause inflammation. But when green tea is consumed with iron-enriched foods, EGCG loses its ability to control these enzymes and can cause inflammation in the body.   As iron-enriched foods are required to meet iron-deficiency and to fight anemia, having a cup of green tea immediately after these foods can block its absorption.
        Irregular Heartbeat
        You may experience higher heart rates from excessive intake of green tea and may feel a pounding sensation. If this condition worsens, it could even result in chest pain. If you experience irregular heartbeat, cut back on the consumption of all caffeinated products.
          Stomach Disorders
          People who are susceptible to stomach disorders should avoid green tea.  Although rare, green tea may worsen symptoms of vomiting, nausea or diarrhea. If you've had a history of stomach disorders, seek advice from your doctor before consuming green tea.
            Bleeding Disorders
            Normally, green tea has a positive effect in helping reduce heart disease and clogged arteries.  Coagulation is mildly affected from high levels of green tea and changes the way our blood clots . When we get injured, our blood forms a solid clot and prevents additional blood loss. People who suffer from bleeding disorders and should avoid green tea due to the increased risk of bleeding.
              Medication Interaction
              Green tea can be harmful to those who suffer from type 2 diabetes. A number of studies have proven that people with type 2 diabetes experience difficulties in its treatment if they drink green tea in excess. This is probably due to interaction with medications.  Be sure to contact your doctor before drinking large amounts of green tea.  Green tea must not be taken with certain types of medication. These medications include highly interactive medication like stimulant drugs, moderately interactive medicines like birth control pills, medication that controls blood clotting and slightly interactive medication like anti-diabetes drugs.

              Green Tea Health Benefits

              Overwhelmingly, green tea is good for your overall health.  The health benefits far outweigh the risks unless you are prone to or have been diagnosed with any of these conditions.  So keep drinking plenty of your favorite teas from Imperial Tea Garden®.  Drinking quality loose leaf tea is a simple alternative to giving your body healthy antioxidants but not all teas have the the same level of antioxidants. Choose one of our top rated loose leaf green teas from Imperial Tea Garden and Taste the Difference!

              Drink the Best Green Tea

              Our best Green Teas listed by % Polyphenol by Dry Weight (...of course teas should be judged based on flavor)


              Imperial Tea Garden
              Imperial Tea Garden


              2 Responses

              John L Henderson Jr
              John L Henderson Jr

              March 09, 2020

              Reading this article is like the first time I read How To Eat To Live by The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Life changing. Thank you Peace and Blessing of God be with you .


              November 14, 2019

              I love this article. It is full of great information. I feel better when I drink green tea. It gives me a sense of well-being and seems to energize me. Just taking time for tea and it makes my day go better. The fact that it may inhibit fat retention in the body is a bonus! Since we have been living back in the “South” I have discovered “Iced Green Tea”!

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